Islam of the meal and the Halal

Muslim-friendly restaurants to increase in visit to Japan Muslim increase

Islam of the meal and the Halal Received a visit Muslims increase, opened in Chiba accommodation of Muslim-friendly restaurants Chapel hotel Visit to Japan in Southeast Asia with the increase of foreigners, especially Muslims (Muslim) visit to Japan tourists from Malaysia and Indonesia has increased. The government has set a specific measures as the Action Plan for the visit to Japan Muslim travelers corresponding] working on and to the development of the receiving environment. Above all, visit to Muslim guests as an issue of accommodation in order to provide a comfortable stay [the development of meal environment] and [development of worship environment] is mentioned. JY Global Co., Ltd. is based in Chiba Prefecture Kisarazu, [Muslims without fear of worship and food, accommodation to enjoy the journey with confidence] in Kisarazu as [Jesly Villa Tokyo (Jesuri Villa Tokyo)], 00 Halal restaurants pre-open than a month 0 days [paprika (paprika)]. Besides Guests complete with separate male and female player room of usable (chapel) free, exclusive chef of Muslims make, it is diet completely eliminate the alcohol and pork.

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