Islam of the meal and the Halal

Eating habits of Muslims. Encounter with Halal Food

Islam of the meal and the Halal Eating habits of Muslims. Encounter with Halal Food But is suddenly, 00 years Tokyo to Olympic Games, after year. Although you often hear the word Olympic economic effect, as of the word, year by year, increasing number of foreigners visiting Japan, the development of transportation and infrastructure, such as the construction of accommodation, have economic effects in a variety of industries are expected you. Including Indonesia and Malaysia are relatively close to Southeast Asia from Japan, it is expected that the world of the Muslim (less than Muslims) is to visit Japan. Meanwhile, did you know that there is a phrase movement in food. Yes food company that Muslims are trying to get a good food [Halal] eat has been increasing. Had to know when to international marriage, the eating habits of Muslims, I think that if you can introduce from the author's point of view. Diet has changed a rattle in the international marriage As already has been introduced in the work and living Yoyogi] and [people] article, The author is married to her husband of Pakistan-born Muslim, we are the sons and people living to be old.

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